Social Impact Campaign
Sisters On Track is a Netflix Original Documentary that touches upon critical themes that affect our youth including: the power of education, and sports building confidence in girls. Furthermore, the film touches upon the importance of empowering youth and communities, the transformational impact of mentorship, access to education, gender diversity in sports, and the power of communal care and support for single mothers as well as racial and economic justice.
Through the #anybodyseethedream social impact campaign, the film aims to support the voices of women and girls, who are educated and empowered through sports and mentorship. Powered by Colgate Women’s Games, our hope is that the film will give the audience a greater understanding of the value of mentorship and coaching through sports. The film works to inspire more people to fulfill these roles in their communities, participate in clubs like the Jeuness Track Club, and essentially find the role they can play in enabling a brighter future for the young people around them.
We don’t just train the girls to run track, we teach them about life. We want them all to grow up to be mature educated young women who will have something to offer the world. It doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, but if you start with that goal in mind, you never know where it will take you.” — Jean Bell, Head Coach Jeuness Track Club
At the heart of this story is belief, belief in one another and in ourselves. We do better, we have more concrete goals, and we find accountability within ourselves when someone believes in us. More importantly, that belief from others can help us develop a strong sense of self and confidence, so that no matter what happens, be it success or failure, we have the grit and tools to forge on. It is especially important to establish this sense of belief in young people at an early age. Sisters On Track is a powerful and impressionable film that reminds us of the importance and responsibility we carry to invest in our youth, now and always. Through the three lanes of mentorship, education and youth athletics, Sisters on Track gives hope to dreaming, because dreaming is part of the journey and the goal is to win beyond the race.
Young people often need more than just a parent/guardian/or teacher to guide them. They need someone who inspires and challenges them to be better, to find their voice in the world and to guide them on their path to their full potential. This is why mentorship is such a powerful tool.
By introducing youth to new experiences and sharing positive values, mentors can help young people avoid negative behaviors and achieve success. For example:
- 59 percent of mentored teenagers earn better grades.
- 27 percent of mentored youth are less likely to begin using alcohol.
- 52 percent of mentored youth are less likely to skip school.
- Youth with mentors have increased likelihood of going to college, better attitudes toward school, increased social and emotional development, and improved self-esteem. (source)
Goal: There are a number of young people waiting for mentors. We want to inspire people to take action by becoming a mentor and/or to support mentorship programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Who are your mentors? What do you have to offer someone if you were their mentor?
As Coach Jean Bell says, “Education is the key.” Every child deserves access to resources and opportunities that help them in becoming well-informed, improve their overall health, and expose them to people and experiences which can have a positive impact on their lives. Access to education is more often than not often dependent upon income and racial equity, along with many other factors. Education is a fundamental human right that every child deserves access to, no matter their socioeconomic standing.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted education for more than 70% of young people around the world (source). Many students, and educators, are expected to return to “normal,” but the effects remain.
Goal: Through the campaign, we inspire audiences to utilize Sisters on Track, and the discussion guide tools we will provide, as a way to inspire new hope in the possibilities of dreaming for yourself and those around you. What role has education played in your dreams so far? How can education be a bridge as well as a roadblock?
Young people, specifically girls, who are involved in athletics feel better about themselves, both physically and socially. Being involved in athletics helps them build their confidence, learn to set goals, and practice the skills to get to those goals. Athletics also helps to build a sense of camaraderie and sense of responsibility, two things that work side by side when building oneself in a collective .
“Sports help youths to become better contributors to society. Research shows a child’s involvement in sport helps them to improve their social interaction, increase their confidence, and improve their listening skills and health. Participation in sport is linked to higher grades, lower dropout rate, reduced truancy and lower crime rates.” (source)
Goal: The #anybodyseethedream campaign is powered by Colgate Women’s Games. Our goal is to support their efforts in getting 1,000 more girls from all over the country to sign up for the upcoming games. What place has athletics had in your life, if at all? What space(s) do sports create?
Through these three tracks (Mentorship, Education, Athletics), we are asking each other how we can take part in these important lanes that support young people in their development. We hope to ignite critical conversations around all of the conditions we exist in and around. This is a campaign reminding you to dream, inspire others to dream too, take action and pay it forward.

Colgate Women’s Games, is the nation’s largest amateur track series open to all girls from elementary school through college and beyond. Brooklyn’s Fred Thompson founded the games in 1974 with the generous support of the Colgate-Palmolive Company, which has remained the program’s title sponsor for more than four decades. People can go now to to sign up for updates and to learn more, ahead of registration which opens in the Fall.

The Jeuness Track Club Inc. (pronounced joo-ness) is a grassroots community-based not for profit track club for girls, founded in 1985 by an amazing group of dedicated coaches. The Club was established to afford young girls an opportunity to grow in the sport of Track and Field while excelling in academic achievement and life experiences. The club is headquartered in Bedford-Stuyvesant/Crown Heights areas of Brooklyn for girls ages 5-17. Their goal is to assist girls in becoming accomplished athletes, able to move on to the collegiate level and complete their education with the aid of athletic scholarships. To learn more, sign up and support this remarkable not for profit organization visit Jeuness Track Club Inc.
Ways To Take Action
Host a community screening at your school, community center, or organization. Fill out our form here to request. Be sure to download our Telewatch Party Guide.
Sign up for updates on Colgate Women’s Games. Go to: to learn more.
Sign up to be a mentor at your local community organization. Visit Mentoring Organizations – NYC, Global Mentoring Resources or Mentor International to learn more.

Host a community screening at your school, community center, or organization. Fill out our form here to request. Be sure to download our Telewatch Party Guide.

Sign up for updates on Colgate Women’s Games. Go to: to learn more.

Sign up to be a mentor at your local community organization. Visit Mentoring Organizations – NYC, Global Mentoring Resources or Mentor International to learn more.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC
Founded in 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC is the nation’s first and the city’s largest youth mentoring organization. They help youth achieve their full potential by building and supporting mentoring relationships. Their work is guided by several core values: Put Youth First; Advance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Operate with Integrity; Engage with Empathy; and Invest in Learning & Innovation.
Be sure to check out our Virtual Panel Series #3 from January 2022, which was moderated by BBBS NYC Chief Executive Officer Alicia Guevara.
#anybodyseethedream Track Bib Challenge
Take part in our social media challenge
Do you have a mentor? Is there someone who inspires you? Is there someone in your life that believes in you? Share a story about someone who has helped you see your dream.
- Write out/type out this story on the downloadable bib.
- Print it out and share on social media.
- Share on social and tag our handles: @sistersontrackfilm and use the hashtag #anybodyseethedream
Now, thank this person for supporting you and think about how you can do the same for someone else.